Stanford Health Care in partnership with StoryCorps

We need connection now more than ever. Stories provide the opportunity for us to acknowledge, learn from, and honor the voices of our communities. SHC is proud to partner with StoryCorps to amplify the voices of our community. 

"Your story is not defined by cancer."

Trity Pourbahrami & Vista Trethewey

"I saw that heartbreak on your face that day."

Meb and Ranjit Steiner

“My life changed, considerably, when I got the call that said, 'you have cancer.' "

Arnie Hollander and Katharyn Israel

"Our time is limited, and I want to make a difference."

Anna Dapelo Garcia and Dale Beatty

"It brings joy to both of our hearts, really it does."

Julie Gunderson & Stephanie Chamberlain

"After that night, I realized something was sparked in me."

Nicole Cromwell

"I've finally come to realize that my pain doesn't just affect me. It affects people around us."

Mikaela and Michael Reilly

"Out of this little body came this big personality that just filled up a room."

Shelly Cox and Ona Okoro

"And you met me where I am."

Philip Georgy and Andrew Moore, MD

"The old body has to learn to be patient with itself."

Connie Turkington and Joanne Pasotti

"It made me realize I'm not alone - these people are all in my court."

Eugene and Dominique Watt  

"You just connect in a deeper way with other people."

Christina Tecson and Karen Newcomb

"I have no doubt that you're a gift wherever you show up."

Emily Linderman and Sarah Murphy-Kangas

"You know, as we continue to get older, sometimes the shiny bells and whistles aren't as important as they used to be."

Eric Escobedo-Wu and Fouzel Dhebar

"The thing I wanted to do most was be able to hug my son."

Douglas Roberts

"Through this, I can't even imagine how a parent is supposed to say goodbye."

Mila Wright

"Going home to them every day. It's amazing."             

Alvin Khalik

"She had tremendous influence on me, til this day."

Anna Dapelo-Garcia and Erica Dapelo-Garcia

"I think sometimes it's like there's that job that's not a job, but it's a calling"

Alma Medina & Michelle Gabriel

"It's so rewarding knowing that I'm making a positive impact on each patient.

Anna Simos & Ronalyn Ramos

"I’m proud of the person I became."

Joshua Simpson and Rickey Burks

"It took me a little while to accept that this is something that's part of my life now."

Carlie Arbaugh

"I do believe that kindness begets kindness."

Larisa Vasserman

"Suddenly it was like we were just two human beings in this room, going through this crazy thing together."

Kevin and Jason Moss

"I just think the world of you."

Dania Saarony and Leah Groppo

"You have cancer, you want to deal with it, but you want to have as normal a life as possible"

Kelly Bugos and Jack Aiello

"It’s a reminder for me why we are here and what we do everyday...”

Sophia Loo and Judy Kaufman

"That remains the hardest conversation that I ever have to have."

Alpa Vyas and Kristan Staudenmayer

"It was like a weight lifted off your shoulders."

Naomi Kiarie - Part 2

"You've done something very therapeutic just letting them talk."

Jay Shah

"I found my people. I can finally check my symptoms at the door and just blend in."

Bill Winslow

"It's amazing how science has brought us to where we're at and it's very rewarding to have been part of all that."

Maricris Dacumos, Donna Healy, & Torey Benoit

"You taught me a lot in our 10 years of marriage, and I'm a lot better to this day because of you.

Joanne and Greg Bartlett

"Doing something as simple as just smiling and saying hello makes such a big difference throughout the rest of a patient's visit."

Ferheen Abbasi

"I was told it was a waste of my time, a waste of my education."


Sasha Madison and Lucy Tompkins

"Why we all work in healthcare is definitely shaped by both of my parents."

Tovah Kohl

"Take it one day at a time, and don't let cancer define you, you get to define cancer."

Maia Evrigenis and Vivek Chotai 

"I could be vulnerable, I could be honest, transparent, and I could tell that you cared."

Jennifer Everett and Deborah Klein, MD

"That was one of my happiest moments."

Curtis Dance and Ricardo Guzman

"My world has slowed down."


Judy Kaufman and Laurie Jacob

"This whole experience, it fundamentally changed our lives, but also it made us appreciate each other more”

Michael Moore and Lynn Fraher

"I think he was phenomenal. I think he is phenomenal."

Betty Cohen and TC Cowles

"It's taught me how to slow down...and to prioritize and value what truly is meaningful."

Jenny Kwak

"We’re all just going through this collective grief together"

Naomi Kiarie - Part 1

"It feels very lonely in the healthcare system."

Brittany Postle and Ian Carroll, MD

"It's just a great feeling to walk into these doors every day."

Trent Garrison

"Instead of letting this bring me down, I actually let it change my life for the better."

Chris Atkinson

"When I do these meditations...and they tell you to go to this wonderful place. It's with you."

Cindy and Larry Loper

"And for the first couple of years, we were, you and I, were just wandering in the wilderness, shouting for help."

Barbara Kivowitz and Richard Weissberg

"I started as a business major, just because I wanted to rebel from my parents who always wanted me to do medicine."

Kelvin Yu and Thu Nguyen

"You're the reason I wanted to come into healthcare. I just hope that someday I'll be, a piece of what you are."

Wendy and Sarah Foad

"And I said Dad, now we live. And so we did. And we just took it one day at a time."

Martha Berrier and Ann Weinacker